The WarYogin carries the weight of his ancestry on his shoulders, bearing the burden joyfully. This yoke connects him with the generations who have trodden the path he continues to walk. He is unconcerned with the modern fashions and trends of the world. Being grounded in his ancestry, the WarYogin walks through the world, but is not part of it. He operates within it, but does not succumb to it.
While he has his roots in the past, he is not afflicted with nostalgia. He lives in the present. He ruthlessly burns away all dross that would would mire him and bog him down in the past. He lives now, but is not of now. He is timeless, outside of the wheel of time and change. He remains steadfastly on his course. His upward trajectory is unstoppable.
The WarYogin remains true to his sacred cause. He is a holy warrior fighting a holy war in the hallowed terrain of his inner bodily landscape. His crusade is against his lower self. He strives to combine thought and action, fusing them together into a potent force capable of violent transformation. He is relentless. Ceaseless in his mission.
Every thought, every action, every interaction is geared towards his transcendent undertaking. He wastes no time on impotent deeds that do not aid him on his path. The WarYogin’s martial Way requires strength of body and mind. It requires purity of heart and Spirit. The WarYogin manifests his violent potential externally, but remains tranquil internally. In the blur of action, he is steady. He trusts his Self and allows it to take control during the flow state.
Active body. Calm mind. Pure Spirit. At peace in a state of constant battle. The WarYogin is a blazing torch, a dazzling, blinding light that banishes the darkness and illuminates the world around him while conducting his silent revolution.